Verify user connections
After the user scans the QR code and connects their user-account to the profile, you will receive an incoming webhook on the provided callbackUrl.
const request = await beam.profiles.createConnectionRequest("profile-id", {
The incoming webhook doesn't tell you to which user a profile is linked to, but it does confirm to you that a link was made between the app-user and your game's profile.
Verify the incoming request
When the incoming webhook arrives, there will be a Signature
header included in it. The signature can be ignored completely, but allows you to verify whenever the incoming request we send you indeed is coming from Beam. The implementation for handling this signature are environment specific and you are required to use Libsodium (opens in a new tab). Below you will find an example on how to verify the signature within a Node.js based backend.
import * as sodium from "sodium-native";
export const verifySignature = (
incomingRequestBody: Record<string, string>, // The request body of the incoming webhook
incomingRequestHeaderSignature: string, // The 'signature' header of the incoming webhook
yourApiKey: string // The api key you've used to create the connection request
): boolean => {
const payloadString = JSON.stringify(incomingRequestBody);
const payloadBuffer = Buffer.from(payloadString, "utf8");
const signature = Buffer.from(incomingRequestHeaderSignature, "hex");
const secretBuffer = Buffer.from(yourApiKey, "utf8");
return sodium.crypto_auth_verify(signature, payloadBuffer, secretBuffer); // will return `true` or `false`