Supported currencies in Beam Marketplace
At the moment of writing the Beam marketplace supports a couple of pre-configured tokens for all marketplace interactions. In order to get the currencies supported for a specific chain, we've added a method. Here's how you can use it:
const currencies = await beam.marketplace.getCurrencies(4337); // the chain ID you want to get the supported currencies for
// {
// data: [
// {
// currency: 'USDC'
// decimals: 18,
// tokenAddress: '0x007Fdc86FD12924C9116025C7F594843087397E3'
// }
// ]
// }
Testnet currencies
- Merit Circle token (the native token)
- USDC 0x007Fdc86FD12924C9116025C7F594843087397E3 (opens in a new tab)
- USDT 0x29633Cf4FF2D98347895C7327f83Ab4cd592C808 (opens in a new tab)
Mainnet currencies
- Merit Circle token (the native token)
- USDC 0x76BF5E7d2Bcb06b1444C0a2742780051D8D0E304 (opens in a new tab)
- USDT 0x999f90f25a2922ae1b21A06066F7EDEbedad42a9 (opens in a new tab)
Supporting in-game currencies
Depending on your needs, we're able to add additional ERC20 tokens that are also registered for your game on Beam, allowing you to interact with the Marketplace based on your own in-game currency. However, do keep in mind that if you list assets in your own currency on Sphere, you probably also want to consdier adding a liqduity pool on the Beam swap in order to facilitate users who might not be playing your game yet, but are still interested in obtaining one of it's assets through the marketplace.
Requesting your token to be added
Currently, adding a currency to Beam marketplace requires us to take a couple of manual steps. If you're intereed in adding your token, contact the team through Slack or